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What to expect from spiritual healing treatments, energy healing treatments, mental healing treat­ments, and prayers
You have to expect healing if you want to be healed. You can’t just hope for a healing as hope leaves room for doubt, but expecting leaves no room for doubt.

While expecting healing does not guarantee healing, it certainly increases your chances for healing and the best possible result.

Both expecting and doubt create energy which in turn creates conditions and situations that correspond to thoughts, feelings, words, or actions. Here’s how it works:

• If you have expectations of healing, you create energy that works hard to bring about healing.

• If you have doubts about becoming healed, you create energy that works hard to make your doubts a reality, and this greatly deters healing.

• If you fear illness, the energy that is created by your fears in turn works to create illness.

• If you fear that healing won’t come, the energy that you create with that fear works to make your fear a reality, and healing won’t come.

• If you think, “I’ll never get well, all I’ve known (all my life) (for a long time) is sickness, pain, suffering, lack, unhappiness, bad relationships, etc.” The energy of thoughts and feelings like these immediately go to work to create a reality according to your thoughts.

So, it is necessary for you to expect healing if you want to be healed. And, if you can’t expect healing, then you can practice expecting ... it works almost as well.

When you expect healing, the energy of your expectations works hard to bring healing to you. Again, it doesn’t guarantee healing, but having this energy working for you certainly helps to tip the scales in your favor to help bring about healing and improvements.

I have learned over the years that while healing can be spontaneous (immediate, happening all at once), usually it is evolutionary (the condition improves at varying rates of speed over a period of time). The energy created from expecting works with other factors to help bring about healing. Things begin to move in a new direction, a direction of healing. So expecting is a crucial element to bringing about a healing.

While expectations create energies that work to bring about healing, at the same time, there are external influences and energies that work to deter, diminish, prevent, or nullify healing. Here are some examples:

• Negative thoughts and feelings of the person desiring healing.
• Race Consciousness.
• A medical diagnosis stating that a condition is terminal, incurable, and/or will be debilitating and will worsen with time.
• A belief in and/or fear of getting or having a terminal, incurable, and/or debilitating illness.  
• Conflicts with religious tenets and teachings (example: it is a privilege or blessing to be able to suffer for God).
• Cultural practices and traditions.
• Other influences and factors that can work/may work to negate and nullify healing energies.

When seeking spiritual-energy healing, it is important to also realize that:

• Spiritual-energy healing treatments usually are not an immediate, magical, cure-all for all of life’s problems. Spontaneous healings do occur at times, but as a rule, healings evolve rather than occurring spontaneously. When spiritual healing treatments are used as a healing tool, because of their great power, they can and do help to bring about a healing.  
• If core problems are not explored and brought into alignment with the desired greater good (the healing), the unwanted condition will not heal permanently. Change and/or improvements in the condition may be realized on a temporary basis and if so, the unwanted condition will return.
• Although spiritual-energy treatments are very powerful, their effectiveness can be diminished or nullified by external influences and energies in the same manner as expectations (see above).
Medical treatment should never be neglected nor abandoned for spiritual healing treatments. God has created many modalities for healing ... medical healing, spiritual healing, and other alternatives. Which is best? It varies from individual to individual, and at times one modality may be better than another. However, each can be beneficial to all individuals at different times.

It is my experience that spiritual healing treatments, combined with the daily use of other spiritual healing techniques AND medical care, help un-healable conditions to become healed. As time passes, with the help of the spiritual healing treatments,  less and less medical treatments (as determined by your doctor) and other alternative treat­ments are needed as health and healing increase. But this a gradual process and usually is not an immediate magical transition.

Spiritual healing treatments, energy healing treatments, and mental healing treatments are not right for everyone

Although these healing treatments are very effective and very powerful, they are not a therapeutic method that will work for every­one, and in some instances they should not be used at all. It may not be apparent on the surface that someone does not want to become healed or have their health improved but these factors exist, and if they do, they will usually surface after a person begins to improve and heal.

Here are some reasons why people don’t want to be healed, and if healing has started, they want the healing work stopped and actually reversed so they can revert to their original condition because they were happier being sick than becoming well, even though being sick involved suffering:

• As healing begins, certain elements in the lives of the ailing people begin to change and some suddenly realize they don’t like the changes. They found that being sick had “benefits” which they didn’t want to lose by becoming healed. Here are some examples:
1) They liked that people doted over them and fussed over them and gave them extra attention.
2) They liked that people did things for them (shopped for them, bathed them, cleaned the house for them, took care of the kids).
3) They liked the sympathy and pity they received when things went wrong.
4) They basked in the praise given to them for “being brave and uncomplaining” during hard times.
• Some people find as they begin to heal, that they don’t want to do (or don’t like to do) things for themselves that others did for them when they were sick such as:
1) Bathing themselves.
2) Cleaning the house.
3) Taking care of the kids.   
• Some also found that didn’t want to take on responsibilities or do other things that were expected of them that were not expected of them when they were ailing, such as:
1) Getting a job and going to work daily.
2) Supporting one’s self.
3) Having sex with one’s spouse when sex was absent during the illness.   
There is also a financial aspect that needs to be considered if healing takes place. Individuals who have been on disability pay and/or who have been receiving medical aid over a period of time through various sources (such as the government and drug manufacturers) realize if they become healed they will lose this disability income and other types of financial aid which they may be receiving. While some simply do not want to give it up, others cannot afford to give it up for a number of economic and personal reasons.

So, when healing becomes possible, some individuals either consciously or subconsciously reject it, and the dis-eased condition is retained in order to maintain the “benefits” realized by having the illness.

The conscious or subconscious rejection of being healed is, in its own way,
a form of healing, because for many people, when they realize or accept the idea that healing is not for them, they find peace in living with themselves and their ailment even if it means they will suffer in the process. They are compensated for their suffering by being taken care of. There is nothing wrong with this really because some people prefer to be taken care of while others really like to take care of others (even if they complain in the process). So healing can come in many forms, in many ways.

Often when healings do not appear to be successful, it is not because the healer has not done his/her work or that the methods used were not proven to be successful
but rather, because the healing work may have been negated by the person requesting healing or more work is required due to Race Consciousness (example: beliefs in "incurable" diseases as defined by the medical profession).
It is not God’s will that you or anyone
else be sick and suffer.